Courage Within

Courage Within, by Don Artamas.

The first abstract artist that has spoken to my soul. I saw his exhibit at IWU when I was a junior, I think, entitled "New Beginnings." I'm looking for one of his works I saw that day called "Ancient Faith" or something similar to that, and I've never been able to find it. It was, hands down, my favorite.


Joni Gilmore said...

Sarah, did you know he has a website:

Joni Gilmore said...

I see what you mean about this artist. I have never been a modern art fan, but I would like to see more of this guy's work. I can actually 'see' into it.

Sarah said...

Yes, I did know of the website. I still can't find the painting! Grraaar!

But I'm glad that you enjoy him, too. ^_^

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