I was reading this bit by Phyllis McGinley earlier today, and thought I would share it. It is a little bittersweet for a Father's Day poem, but I thought that it spoke to the relationship between my Dad and I pretty well, especially at this time of my life. Happy Father's Day to a man who leads by showing a life well-lived - to a dad that is excited for my adventures, but always waits to welcome me back home.
First Lesson
Phyllis McGinley
The thing to remember about fathers is, they're men.
A girl has to keep it in mind.
They are dragon-seekers, bent on improbable rescues.
Scratch any father, you find
Someone chock-full of qualms and romantic terrors,
Believing change is a threat -
Like your first shoes with heels on, like your first bicycle
It took such months to get.
Walk in strange woods, they warn you about the snakes there.
Climb, and they fear you'll fall.
Books, angular looks, or swimming in deep water -
Fathers mistrust them all.
Men are the worriers. It is difficult for them
To learn what they must learn:
How you have a journey to take and very likely,
For a while, will not return.
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