Latin Moment 02

Me: Melissa, can you read our next vocabulary word?

Melissa: Sure. Assen...askend...ascendit?

Me: Yeah! This word means, "he, she or it climbs." Now what are some English cognates we have of this word?

rapidly the kids list off all the cognates they can think of...

Emily: ascend!

Melissa: ascent!

Me: Yes! And some other words you might recognize when you come to them, like...

Austin: Mountain!


Me: Actually, Austin, "cognate" means...

Austin: Birds!


Austin made us laugh pretty hard more than once yesterday. I had no idea what was going through his mind for about half the class, but it was definitely fun to try to get him back on track.

Also, the newest character in our story is named Sextus. I don't think I even need to mention some of the craziness that arose from that introduction. In pictura est alter puer, nomine Sextus. They didn't even try to translate that sentence - there was much too much laughter going on.

With all the rowdiness that sometimes goes on in class, I would still say I have the best group of Latin kids I could have hoped for during my first semester.


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